I did a year of costume design at UCA Canterbury for a Foundation Diploma
Of which I worked on multiple projects ranging from an elf costume for The Lord Of The Rings to a Musketeers costume.
I have also taken the skills learnt from my diploma course and applied them into my own home projects as well as projects at UWTSD, skills like pattern cutting and sewing.

Lord Of The Rings elf costume. Designed and made by myself

Experimenting on mannequin with paper cut outs inspired by plants and wildlife

First design. Idea of having branches growing around the torso

Initial designs

Development of favourite designs 1

Development of favourite designs 2

Design development

Design development

Further development

Finalised design with materials

Finished costume. Materials purchased from charity shop dresses.

"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost." - J.R.R. Tolkien

Concept drawing of character in costume

Musketeers costume for Final Major Project. Unfortunately this project got cut short due to COVID lockdown, so I didn't get to make the final costume

Musketeers research

Inspirational costume illustrations

Inspirational costume illustration

I was also going to make a prop rapier sword to go with the costume

Initial designs 1

Initial designs 2

Initial designs 3

Developed designs 1

Developed designs 2

Developed designs 3

Developed designs 4

Final designs breakdown. "All for one, and one for all" - Alexandre Dumas

UCA group project for which I was the model and editor, using photoshop to create this final piece

Photoshoot of me in costume

Going for a creepy calm robed figure

Mini set which we used for the final piece

Collage of final piece and favourite photos

"You want me to put the hammer down!" Home made MCU Thor costume

Using scraps of cardboard and a glue gun to assemble the breast plate

Painting base layer and metallic greys.

Hanging out the washing to dry

Add red blanket using hot glue to use as the cape

Mjolnir made from cardboard, hot glue, wooden handle and leather strap