Through my degree I have discovered an interest and joy in making puppetry, and have been fortunate enough to work on projects as a puppet designer & maker. Designing puppets taking references from nature, using new materials and techniques when it comes to construction.
I have come across a material called ‘plastazote’ which I thoroughly enjoy using as it has a wide range of uses. I primarily use it for creating puppets and props

Black panther puppet for 3rd year production of "The Visit"

Making small model to start

Understanding the skeletal structure

Making and testing the real skeleton with PVC pipe and 3D printed joints

Structure to sculpt the head

Using WED clay to sculpt the head

Applying strips of worbla over the sculpt using a heat gun

Carefully take off the layer of warble to use for the puppet

Pattern cutting plastazote to flesh out the skeleton and give it shape. This is the arm.

Fully assembled

Puppeteers practicing for the show

Panther in production of "The Visit"

Plastazote goose head workshop with Nick Barnes

Cover 3D printed goose head in masking tape

Drawing the pattern. Thinking how to break up the 3D object into 2D shapes.

Cut out each piece and lay flat on paper ready to photocopy and scale up

Cutting the pattern out of plastazote and joining each piece using contact adhesive

Assembled upper head

Attach the lower jaw with mechanism so it can move